Media Spiritual Career Counseling

[v0.5.3] ARGENT - The Streamlined Doom 4 Mod

2025-02-28 17:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

EXTREMELY NOTICE: this mod requires a recent build (3.1.0recommended) of GZDoom, or its equvalent QZDoom -- basically whatever's linked on themain downloads pagethat starts with a G or a Q.ARGENT - v0.5.3- Release Archive- Github________wtf is ARGENT?In a nutshell, this modis Xaser's own spin on Neccronixis's nu-Doom weapon sprites. In contrast to the other big kids on the block (D4D, D4T, and Zion), ARGENT aims to be a bit more "old-school" in its goals, providing a slick set of smoothly-animated d44m weaponry without introducing a ton of game-changing mechanics. In addition, as of v0.4.x, it's powered by ZScript! Huzzah!Some key features:All SP weapons from Doom-Notfour, quasi-faithfully translated and balanced for use against Doom's classic bestiary*.Weapon Mods!New powerups! Quad, Haste, and Regen are all toggle-able in the menu.Equipment! Rechargeable grenades! Eventually more stuff of the sort like siphons/holograms soon!A custom gib system for maximum "splooshiness"Several tweak...

Category: Employment


Best Non Toxic Nail Polish Removers (I tested bestsellers!) - ORGANIC BEAUTY LOVER

2025-02-28 17:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

If youre looking for the best non-toxic nail polish removers that work AND have benefits, I got you covered! I tested out all the bestsellers in clean beauty that are safer and healthier and am sharing my in-depth reviews of each one.Did you know more damage can be done to your nails through using remover than actual nail polish itself? Nail polish remover is basically modified paint stripper and causes dehydrated, brittle nails. Plus, some people have more porous nails that are more prone to yellowing and those with already damaged nails are susceptible to even more damage.Theres a few popular DIY options to remove nail polish at home likevinegar mixed with lemon juice or just using rubbing alcohol, but theyre not going to be as effective as store-bought products. My favorite non-toxic nail polish remover brands actually work and dont dry out nails!Can Nail Polish Remover actually be Non-Toxic?There are many safer and low-tox nail polish removers today, but they can never be truly...

Category: Employment


Acetone vs. Nail Polish Remover: What's the Difference? - Nail Crafting

2025-02-28 17:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

When it comes to removing nail polish, the first thing that comes to mind is nail polish remover. However, there is another common product used for this purpose acetone. While both products are effective at removing nail polish, they are not the same. In this article, we will explore the differences between acetone and nail polish remover.Acetone is a powerful solvent that is commonly used in industrial settings. It is also used in nail salons to remove nail polish, especially when it comes to removing gel or acrylic nails. On the other hand, nail polish remover is a product specifically designed for removing nail polish. It typically contains solvents like ethyl acetate or butyl acetate, which are less harsh than acetone. While both products can remove nail polish, they have different effects on the nails themselves.Understanding Acetone is a colorless liquid that is commonly used as an organic solvent. It is a volatile an...

Category: Employment


DOOM 4 - History, Cancelation and Why You Should Care As A DOOM Fan

2025-02-28 17:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

This whole research was made by Crispies (Ir0n7HuB) withthe additional help from FeoUltima (Ritsu), SeanVS and the id/DOOM fans who joined meto unveil the mysteries from thiscanceledDOOM titlewe wouldlike to try in the future.No matter if the projectwas left unfinished on its Alpha stages or hatedfor over9 years. Doom 4slowlybecomesa material of lost DOOMmedia as time goes on and it deservesto be part of the DOOM franchise's history and the real documentation of its rough development and the things that offered to the two successful modern DOOM titles as part of its legacy.WHAT IS DOOM 4? DOOM 4 was a canceled modern video game sequel to the most remarkable classic shooter IP developed by the studio id Software under the publishing of Bethesda/ZeniMaxMedia Inc. This project was planned to be a reimagining of DOOM II: Hell on Earth through many of its major design aspects and featuring "shotguns," "demons" and action-packed gameplay. This version of DOOM uses id Software's proprietary I...

Category: Employment


Nagellackentferner online kaufen |

2025-02-28 17:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

praktische nagellackentferner - auch acetonfrei Neben der passende Nagellack-Farbe spielt die optimale Nagelpflege eine wichtige Rolle: Sobald der Lack beginnt abzublättern, hilft Nagellackentferner die Nägel zuverlässig von Farbe zu befreien. Preiswerte acetonfreie Nagellackentferner von Essence lassen sich leicht anwenden ohne dem Nagel zu schaden. Praktische Nagellackentfernerpads in wiederverschließbarer Dose helfen beim spontanen Farbwechsel zwischendurch. Der bunte und glänzende Lack sorgt für eine ebenmäßige Nageloberfläche und ist nicht selten ein Hingucker. Irgendwann ist dieser Lack aber ab und leider geschieht dies nicht gleichmäßig. Hier und da blättern Teile der bunten Fingerfarbe ab und hinterlassen einen Nagel, der sich nicht mehr in der Öffentlichkeit zeigen sollte. Um die Reste schnell zu entfernen und eine blanke Leinwand für neue Lackkreationen zu schaffen, hilft nur Nagellackentferner. Weg mit den Nagelfarben diese Mittel helfen Nagellack ist in verschiedenen Ausf...

Category: Employment


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