Media Spiritual Career Counseling

Contraindications, Sizing, and Emergency Protocols-Hangzhou BEVER Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

2025-02-26 00:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling

In emergency medicine, maintaining airway patency is critical for patient survival, particularly in cases of upper airway obstruction. The nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) is a commonly used device that facilitates ventilation by providing an unobstructed path for airflow. However, its effective use hinges on a thorough understanding of its contraindications, the importance of selecting the correct size, and the protocols for emergency management of upper airway obstruction. This article explores these three interconnected aspects to enhance clinical practice.Contraindications of Nasopharyngeal Airway NPAWhile NPAs can be lifesaving, there are specific contraindications that must be recognized to prevent complications:1) Facial Trauma: In patients with suspected facial fractures, especially involving the nasal area, the use of an NPA can exacerbate injuries. Inserting an NPA in such cases may displace bone fragments, lead to further hemorrhage, or even penetrate the cranial cavity.2) Coagul...

Category: Employment


How To Insert a Nasopharyngeal Airway - Critical Care Medicine - Merck Manual Professional Edition

2025-02-26 00:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling

Nasopharyngeal airways are flexible tubes with one end flared (hence their synonym: nasal trumpets) and the other end beveled that are inserted, beveled end first, through the nares into the pharynx. (See also Airway Establishment and Control, How To Do Head TiltChin Lift and Jaw-Thrust Maneuvers, and How to Insert an Oropharyngeal Airway.)Pharyngeal airways (both nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal) are a component of preliminary upper airway management for patients with apnea or severe ventilatory failure, which also includesProper patient positioningManual jaw maneuversThe goal of all of these methods is to relieve upper airway obstruction caused by a relaxed tongue lying on the posterior pharyngeal wall.Indications for Nasopharyngeal AirwaySpontaneously breathing patients with soft tissue obstruction of the upper airway Sometimes for dilation and anesthesia of the nasal passage to prepare for nasotracheal intubation Nasopharyngeal airways are better tolerated and are preferred rather...

Category: Employment


Nasopharyngeal Airway Insertion and Management

2025-02-26 00:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling

Introduction Aim Definition of Terms Indications for insertion of NPA (Medical Patients) Indications for insertion of NPA (Surgical Patients) Contraindications for insertion Assessment Management Insertion / Re-insertion of a NPA (ward setting only) Insertion and Securing of NPA Securement of a NPA (all settings) Ongoing Assessment and Management Documentation Removal of NPA Discharge Planning for patients requiring an NPA at home Complications associated with NPA insertion Special Considerations Evidence TableIntroductionA nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) is a thin, clear, flexible tube that is inserted into a patients nostril. The purpose of the NPA is to bypass upper airway obstruction at the level of the nose, nasopharynx or base of the tongue. It also prevents the tongue falling backward on the pharyngeal wall to prevent obstruction. NPAs maintain airway patency in patients who are conscious or semi-conscious, they can be used in neonates to adults. AimThe aim of this Clinical Guidel...

Category: Employment


Nasopharyngeal Airway

2025-02-26 00:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling

Continuing Education ActivityA nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) device or "nasal trumpet" is a hollow plastic or soft rubber tube that can improve oxygenation and ventilation in cases where bag-valve-mask ventilation is ineffective. NPAs are inserted into the nose and through the posterior pharynx, clearing the airway by displacing the posterior tongue and soft palate. NPAs do not typically cause patients to gag. Thus,this deviceis recommended over an oropharyngeal airway in patients with an intact gag reflex. NPAs are also helpful when a patient's mouth is difficult to open or access, as in cases of trismus or angioedema.NPAs are simply ventilation and oxygenation adjuncts. They are often used only as a temporizing measure before obtaining a more secure airway via intubation or until the patient can breathe independently. Nevertheless,NPAs are valuable tools for quickly establishing and maintaining a patent airway, especially during emergencies.This activity for healthcare workers is desig...

Category: Employment


Effective Use of Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Airways

2025-02-26 00:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling

Home> Resources> Effective Use of Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Airways Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways are adjuncts that can be used to obtain/maintain an open airway. An oropharyngeal airway (OPA) is also known as an oral airway or Guedel pattern airway or simply Guedel airway (named after the original designer Arthur Guedel).2The nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) is also called a nasal airway, NPAT (nasopharyngeal airway tube), or nasal trumpet. Either device can be used depending on the indications for use and patient circumstances.Function and IndicationThe oropharynx is the primary site of upper airway obstruction in unconscious or anesthetized patients. This is because the tongue and muscles of the jaw causing posterior movement of the tongue and epiglottis, which may obstruct the airway.5Furthermore, the risk of upper airway collapse increases in unconscious or anesthetized patients, because a low central drive decreases the activity of the pharyngeal dilator muscles.3An...

Category: Employment


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