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How To Care For Your Dental Bridge
2025-03-14 17:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
27 Mar 2020 by Dr Lynette Ng How To Care For Your Dental BridgeDental bridges are a great, permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. You dont have to deal with the inconvenience of having to remove dentures to clean them everyday, and bridges are more aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. However, dental bridges still require proper cleaning and maintenance everyday.A dental bridge is made up of two or more dental crowns which are placed on adjacent teeth (also known as abutments). The tooth replacement (pontic) is connected to the crowns.With the freedom to chew all sorts of foods comes the responsibility for cleaning the dental bridge well! Here, well share why its important to clean your bridge properly and provide some tips on how to take care of your bridge.Why You Need To Clean A Dental BridgeAlthough the fake tooth (pontic) is close to the gum surface above the missing tooth ridge, there are still micro gaps. Plaque and bacteria can continue to accumulate there. This...
Cupping - Schröpfen für die Eigenanwendung - Mental Coaching - Yoga - Mountainbike
2025-03-14 16:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
Die Cupping-Technik alleine oder auch kombiniert mit Yin Yoga erreicht die Meridiane und damit unser Lebensenergie das Chi.In der Eigenanwendung Zuhause kann man einfach ganz gezielt einzelne Meridiane ansprechen oder den gesamten Energiehaushalt balancieren und harmonisieren, Störfelder ausgleichen, Blokaden lösen.Die Forschung erlangt dabei immer wieder neue Erkenntnisse zu Wirkung und positivem Nutzen: Schmerzzustände können reduziert werden, das Hautbild verbessert werden, Verklebungen und Narben können gelöst werden. Und noch viel mehr. Du kannst die Technik selbst lernen und so dir und deinen Lieben ein Wohlgefühl und Entspannung ermüglichen.Individueller Workshop oder Onlineworkshop TermineIn einem individuellem Workshop oder auch in einem Gruppenworkshop erkläre ich dir die Anwendung der Cups und auf was es zu achten gilt. Du lernst dabei Theorie zu Faszien und kannst es direkt selbst anwenden und so deine Faszienpraxis ganz leicht in den Alltag integrieren.Ich freue mich auf...
String Art Templates {Free String Art Patterns & String Art Kits to Buy}
2025-03-14 16:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling
Looking to make your own string art? Today, Im sharing all about how to make string art, some free string art templates and patterns, and where to buy premade string art kits!String art has been around for a long time (it was a popular craft in the 1970s) and is now making a comeback!If youre looking for an easy craft for beginners and more advanced crafters alike, string art is for you!You can tailor it to your skill level by choosing an easy pattern for beginners and a more complex one for more advanced DIYers.So today, Im going to share exactly how to make string art, some free string art templates and patterns, and, lastly, some DIY string art kits to buy.Lets get started.How to Make String ArtIf you havent made string art before, here is what youll need:piece of woodhammerscissorssmall round head nailsembroidery flosstapestring art templates (see below)Step 1: Find an image youd like to use for your string art piece.Images with straight lines (and less curves) work best, es...