Media Interview: Stranger Things' Cara Buono - Brief Take

Interview: Stranger Things' Cara Buono - Brief Take

2024-10-18 16:45:03| Spiritual Career Counseling

Cara Buono loves speaking in depth about the seminal shows that shes been a part of, drawing a line highlighting The Sopranos, Mad Men, and the Netflix series Stranger Things, where she plays Karen Wheeler. Her performance in season 2, including in one of the most talked about moments opposite Hawkins bad boy Billy (played by Dacre Montgomery), leads the way into the hotly anticipated Stranger Things season 3.We chatted with Buono the afternoon of the Toronto Raptors parade, and Buono was extremely generous with her time, on the phone from New York City, where she resides and is based.The following is a condensed and edited version of our fantastic chat with the insightful Cara Buono of Stranger Things.Brief Take: When Stranger Things first started, did you think it would be the massive success that it is now?Cara Buono: None of us could have predicted the phenomenon that its become. I definitely fell in love with the script when I read it. I read the pilot and immediately called my...

Category: Employment



News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 7-15-2024 Dinar Recaps

2024-10-18 12:45:05| Spiritual Career Counseling

Fri. 12 July 2024: The Imminent Global Currency Reset and NESARA GESARA: Black Swan Event, QFS, EBS, The Insolvency of 9 Nations & Global Market Crash American Media Group ( 13 July 2024 Imminent NESARA Trigger: Worldwide Banks to Shift to Precious Metals, Erasing All Credit Card, Mortgage, and Loan Debts Globally! GazettellerSat. 13 July 2024 Rodriguez Estate Manager Jeff Rahm (go to 46 min. mark): Weekend News with MarkZ. 07/13/2024 ( has Jeff Rahm on his show. He claims to be the asset manager for the Rodriquez Estate and has proof of such. The Rodriguez Family Estate came from King Solomons Temple. The Estate holds much value its a 4 followed by 140 zeroes.The gold is mainly stored in a Philippine 27 mile tunnel filled with gold bars, (plus rubies, diamonds, pearls), the gold bars stacked ten feet thick, ten feet high to the ceiling.The Rodriguez Estate monies are to be used for H...

Category: Employment


News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 9-29-2024 Dinar Recaps

2024-10-18 12:45:05| Spiritual Career Counseling

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and Rates and Dates could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 Compiled Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy ByingtonTiming: (Opinions/Rumors) On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 the gold-backed Chinese Yen will (allegedly) replace the fiat US Dollar to determine the price of oil on the Forex for international trading and thus the fiat US Dollar will cease to exist because it has no value and cannot be used for international trade. On Tues. 1 Oct. the US Inc. Corp. fiscal year ends; has not (allegedly) been funded by Congress for the next fiscal year and thus will be forced to close down, ending the fiat monetary system.On Tues. 1 Oct. all banks worldwide not Basel III Compliant (have gold backed currency) (allegedly) will be closed.On Tues. 1 Oct. the Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset acti...

Category: Employment


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