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Periodenunterwäsche: Wie steht es um Hygiene, Komfort und Nachhaltigkeit?
2025-03-17 11:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
Hygiene, Komfort und Nachhaltigkeit Periodenunterwäsche liegt als Alternative zu Tampons oder Binden im Trend. Wie praktisch sind die Slips? Und wie stehts um die Hygiene? Von Lea Kramer Wissenschaftliche Prüfung: Dr. Dennis Ballwieser (Arzt), 21.01.2025 Pharmazeutisch und medizinisch geprüft Wie funktioniert Periodenunterwäsche? Wie komfortabel ist die Periodenunterwäsche? Wie steht es um die Hygiene der Periodenunterwäsche? Wie gefährlich sind Biozide in der Periodenunterwäsche? Wie nachhaltig ist Periodenunterwäsche? Wie funktioniert Periodenunterwäsche?Pro Zyklus verliert eine Frau zwischen 50 und 150 Milliliter Menstruationsflüssigkeit. Um diese aufzufangen, greifen viele Frauen zu Wegwerfprodukten wie Tampons oder Binden. Inzwischen bieten viele Hersteller aber auch wiederverwendbare Periodenprodukte an. Neuester Trend sind spezielle waschbare Unterhosen. Textilforscherin Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Eppinger von der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin erklärt: Die meis...
Why Im Never Using Drugstore Antiperspirants AgainPlus the 19 Best Natural Deodorants for the Job
2025-03-17 09:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
Skip to main contentSearchSearchFashionBeautyCultureLivingWeddingsRunwayShoppingVideoVogue ClubPhotoVogueFashionBeautyCultureLivingWeddingsRunwayMoreNew ArrivalsSpring Hero BuysEditor Wish ListsUnder $300Trending NowWardrobe EssentialsShoppingBy Chioma NnadiEdited by Jenny BergJanuary 23, 2025ToogaMaking the switch to natural deodorant can be a bit like taking a driving test: If youre not fully prepared for the road ahead, theres a strong chance you might fail before you succeedat least, that was my experience when I first tried to convert 15 years ago. I was persuaded to ditch my drugstore antiperspirant by a yoga teacher friend. Dont you know that stuff is full of poison? she said when I whipped out a stick of deodorant after an Ashtanga class. Admittedly, I had no idea that aluminum, the active ingredient in most antiperspirants, is potentially harmful, with studies having raised questions about its link to cancer. And given that my mother is a two-time breast cancer survivor,...
The 10 Best Unscented Deodorants To Try in 2025
2025-03-17 09:45:04| Spiritual Career Counseling
Are you looking for the best-unscented deodorants? We have exactly what you need. As refreshing as sweet-smelling deodorants are, wearing a strong smell can often give you hard-to-detect headaches. People often like sticking to perfumes with a powerful scent and keeping their deodorant neutral. People who are sensitive to overpowering smell have deodorants specially made to soothe your sense of smell so that you are not affected by the strong smell. Skin care specialist, Terri L Watts, adds, Never apply deodorant to damp skin as this only traps bacteria which simply causes more odor. Yes, we are all in a hurry but pausing a minute for armpits to dry completely will maximize the effectiveness of any deodorant. These deodorants are made to cover your natural body odor and neutralize the smell. They fight off the bacteria that lead to an unbearable smell when you sweat without causing any allergies or alteration in your bodily functions. Here are the 10 highest-rated deodorants to keep...